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Tuesday, 3 January 2017

L - Last year and the Lessons I Learnt

L - Last year and the Lessons I Learnt


What a year.

There were highs, there were lows, and there were moments just so peculiar you couldn't possibly try and judge them. 

Internationally, it was a big year. Lots of political decisions were made (most notably Brexit and electing Trump) that started to effect the world, but of course will continue to do so much more in the coming years.

Personally, it was a pretty big year too. And naturally, I can't help but focus on the bad parts of the year. Because, goodness, there were a lot of them.

But one thing is for sure; everything can become a lesson. And with a big year, come lots of lessons learnt. Of course, I learnt things in school - I didn't just pass my GCSEs by some miracle. And, I learnt general life skills - I got a job so had to learn the tricks of the trade. 

But, and in my opinion, more importantly, I learnt emotional/mental life lessons.
So, without further ado;

A List of Lessons I Learnt Last year:
(Gosh, sorry, I'm loving all the aLLiteration)
  • Not all risks turn out ok, but they are ALWAYS ok in the end. So sometimes it's worth temporary pain for the life lessons you learn.
  • You are stronger than you'd ever thought possible. All these 'what if' situations... well, a lot of them happened. And you dealt with them all - you're still here, aren't you? It's shown that however terrifying things might be, you can make it through them.
  • Talking to people isn't that scary! I spoke to lots of new people, and hence made new friendships. Also, just general 'talking to strangers' in shops etc... I actually did it.
  • Never underestimate the power of blasting some music really loud and just sitting/ lying and listening to it.
  • Never underestimate the powers of fresh air either! A good brisk walk (gosh how British), or a bike ride, or even just sitting on a bench outside. It's really so very good.
  • It's a lot easier to reignite old friendships than you'd think. More of that in 2017 too please?
  • If somebody's nasty, you gain nothing from returning that. 'Just smile and wave'
  • Not everything turns out as bad as you think it will! Remember that.
  • Help comes from the most unlikely of places.
  • God's love for you is REAL and it's STRONG and it's RELEVANT.
  • You help others! This might sound obvious. I so often find myself feeling grateful for other people, and all they've done for me, and wishing I could be half as great as them. But actually, I do help people too. Which brings me on to my next point:
  • Sometimes a little goes a long way. 
  • Once you start focusing on the positives, you just find more and more of them. Here's a little exercise that someone did with me and it has really stuck... How many blue objects do you think are in the room you're in right now? Make a quick guess. Now, look around, look deeply, for everything blue. Likelihood is, it's a lot more than you first guessed. Same with positivity- life can all too quickly feel very negative. Look for the good, and you'll be greeted with a lot of it!
  • People don't actually judge you ask much as you think.
  • Going out of your comfort zone can actually be fun, if you try.
  • Things you once thought were un-achievable, were achieved! You'd be surprised how much you are capable of. Be sure to pay attention to when your rational mind is talking, and when it's just plain crazy!
  • Some people don't care as much as you'd thought, but others care more than you'd thought, so actually, don't worry about them too much - life has a way of making itself even.
  • People cope in different ways.  That doesn't mean their way is more valuable, or more effective, or right. It also doesn't mean your way is wrong.
Image result for Smile and wave boys
That feels like a good point to leave it on.
2016, this is just a snippet of what you taught me. So really, you weren't as bad as I had previously thought.

That was L,
-An Alphabet of Thoughts.

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