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Monday, 2 January 2017

K - Karma

K - Karma

Digital Karma Wall Decal
I've always found the idea of karma really interesting, and also found it really motivates me.

The idea that EVERYTHING has an equal action. It makes me wonder who is in control? And is it really everything. Do the smallest of things have an equal action too? Then, of course, it poses the question of what is right and wrong/good and bad.

If I drop my friend's mug, completely by accident, and it smashes, then is that good or bad? Of course it isn't good I smashed it. But it wasn't my fault, so can it be bad? And then of course, sometimes you might look deeper and realise that actually the mug you broke had bad mental connections for the friend, so really you've done them a favour. So is breaking something, a seemingly bad action, good now?

But, I digress,

I've always found the idea of who is in control of karma interesting. Or, does it happen naturally, with nothing and nobody controlling it. The wind blows, our hearts beat, trees grow; all actions have equal actions.

The less you respond to negative people, the more peaceful your life will become.:
Karma can be such a motivation to treat yourself and others well. It is all too easy to be slightly harsh with somebody, when you're in a bad mood. Or to see them struggling, and let them. But actually, when you think that helping somebody will not only help them, but will help you too, it's a lot easier to find the motivation to do it. 
Humans are naturally a rather selfish species; we might as well use this to our advantage.

So, that has been K - karma.

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-An Alphabet of Thoughts

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