Search An Alphabet of Thoughts

Sunday, 12 January 2020

Some Truths


And they might be hard to accept. They might sound empty. You might hear them all the time.
But PLEASE, sit and reflect on each and everyone. Because they are all true, and true for YOU. True to us all. True to ME even.
Sit and reflect, accept the goodness, accept His Goodness, accept YOUR goodness!!!

- you are LOVED

- you should love yourself

- you are worthy of love

- you are worthy

- things will get better

- things have gotten better

- things haven't always been this bad, and they won't always be bad

- you haven't experienced all there is to experience yet

- you have a reason to be here

- you are needed

- you have a purpose

- you are better than you realise

- you are strong

- you are trying

- all anyone can ask is that you try

- you should trust yourself

- you can trust others

- you should trust the Creator

- He has a plan for you that is INFINITELY better than you could ever imagine

- He has a plan for EVERYTHING that you will encounter

- you cannot earn His love AND you DON'T NEED TO

- He looks at you and is proud, despite it all

- He forgives EVERY single thing
hear that???? Every. Single. Thing.


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