Search An Alphabet of Thoughts

Sunday, 5 March 2017

R - Right Now

R - Right Now

I was having a chat with somebody the other day who told me that she didn't think that she and her boyfriend were going to be together long term. I was so confused. Why would you be in a relationship with somebody if it wasn't forever? What was the point when you knew how it was going to end? But she said to me, 'He makes me really happy right now. And I think I make him happy too! Not everything has to be forever; but right now, we are perfect for each other, and we are enjoying our time together, and I think that's enough.'

Weeks later, this has still stuck with me, because it's so true. It has really made me think. So thank you! Not everything we do has to be forever! We don't have to plan how we want to spend the rest of our lives. Because right now is important too. And you need to enjoy right now.

What have you been putting off because you know it won't last? Is there something you can start/ continue doing for now, because it fits in with your life RIGHT NOW, even if you know it won't last forever?

Just something to think about. 
-An Alphabet of Thoughts

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